Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Book Watch: Dark Side of the Moon

Dark Side of the Moon
by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Format: Hardcover, 352 pages
Publisher: St. Martin’s Press
Pub Date: May 30, 2006
ISBN: 0312357435

Susan Michaels was once the hottest reporter on the Beltway Beat until a major scandal ruined her life and left her writing stories about alien babies and Elvis sightings. Life as she once knew it is over, or so she thinks until she gets a lead on the biggest story in town: The Seattle Slayer. She heads to the local animal shelter, expecting a tip on the latest rash of killings. Instead, she gets a story about the mayor feeding citizens to a ring of vampires... yeah. Just another day in her life.

Then she gets talked into adopting a cat she’s allergic to. Her first thought is to neuter the cat. But when he turns out to be a gorgeous shapeshifting man who claims to be an immortal vampire slayer she thinks: not so fast. Next thought: seek professional help.

Susan doesn’t know what to believe, but as she’s drawn into a paranormal world, she comes to realize that the story that could bring her credibility is too unbelievable to expose. Now it’s no longer a question of bringing the truth to her readers, it’s a matter of saving lives and souls, and her only ally is a man she’s allergic to. In the world of the Dark-Hunters, it’s always dangerous. But never more so than when one very human woman can shatter their entire world with just one story. The only question is... will she? Dark Side of the Moon is full of Sherrilyn Kenyon’s trademark sexy humor and breathtaking imagination.

*Click here to read Chapter 1.
**Those who are waiting for this book, here’s a message from SK: “Please note we’ve been informed that, as with most hardcovers, the first print run of Dark Side of the Moon will be limited. The publisher is ready to go back to print with subsequent print runs, but there will be delay in getting these into bookstores. So if you’d like to make sure you have a copy as soon as possible, please order either from one of the online stores ... and they will ship the first day it’s available, or preorder from your local bookstore and they will have it for you at the counter the first day of release.”


2 comment(s):

Blogger Hillary for President said...

look like a good book let me guess vampire slayer is HIllary and vampire is bush. that what i would rite.

Check out my blog. lots of good reason's

4/26/2006 06:37:00 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have had mine pre-ordered, can not wait for this book

4/27/2006 09:20:00 PM