Book Selections of the Month (October/November '06)
I returned to my original question. “What is in your mouth? Let me see your tongue.”
He obligingly opened his mouth so that I could see what had been catching the light while he spoke. The entire line down the center of his tongue was pierced and studded with small gold balls. I had never seen anything like it in my life.
“What is that?” I asked, frowning.
Acheron closed his mouth and by the way he moved his lips and jaw, I could tell he was rubbing the balls against the roof of his mouth. “Erotiki sfairi.”
“I don’t understand that term.”
“Sex balls, my lady. It makes my licks much more stimulating to those I choose to please.”
Oh my, I suddenly feel hot. *fanning self* Er, *ahem* so did you like that excerpt? That’s Acheron. I call him Ash, my lover. *g* He is what you call a Dark-Hunter.
What’s a Dark-Hunter, you ask? Well, for one, their books—yep, BOOKS—are going to be our BBC selections for the month of October AND November.
Wait! Don’t panic yet! LOL Let me explain first. Instead of just one, we are going to have five books for our next BBC: Night Pleasures, Dance with the Devil, Night Play, Seize the Night and Dark Side of the Moon. They are part of Sherrilyn Kenyon’s extremely entertaining, ridiculously imaginative (that new authors are ripping it off LOL) and, oh yeah, verra verra *sigh* HOT series, “Hunter Legends.”

So far, the series already consists of 15 books (short stories and anthologies included). Of course you don’t have to read all of them (just the 5 I mentioned above :P) since not every book can be considered good. But the thing is, as much as possible, you should read the books in order. DON’T FREAK OUT WITH ITS VOLUME! I promise, these books are FAST FAST FAST reads—like The Flash! Uh-huh. The series hooks you in, keeps you flipping pages, seeking for answers like a coke addict looking for fixes. And did I mention you’ll be swooning for those mad, bad, immortal warriors with attitudes who fight rough and play hard? I know. YUMMY. :P
Now, since it would be impractical (and torturous!) to wait for everyone to finish all the books before we start our discussion, we are changing our BBC for a bit. It’s going to be free for all buffet open discussion, baby! Beginning next week (until November), after you finish a book and/or just want to discuss a certain theory/part/scene, no need to wait—just post! Just click the link in the sidebar (under the BBC section), and any time you can talk there till you drop!
Okay? Any more questions? If none, here’s the reading order:
- 1. Fantasy Lover (you can totally skip this; worst in the bunch!)
- 2. “The Beginning” (short story you can read here; also found in the back of Sins of the Night)
- 3. Dragonswan (also found in the anthology Tapestry)
- 4. Night Pleasures
- 5. Night Embrace
- 6. “Phantom Lover” (in the anthology Midnight Pleasures)
- 7. Dance with the Devil
- 8. “A Dark-Hunter Christmas” (short story you can read here; also found in the back of Dance with the Devil)
- 9. Kiss of the Night
- 10. Night Play
- 11. “Winter Born” (in the anthology Stroke of Midnight)
- 12. Seize the Night
- 13. Sins of the Night
- 14. Unleash the Night
- 15. Dark Side of the Moon
P.S. For more info, visit SK’s “Hunter Legends” site where you can find everything from character profiles, book excerpts, etc.
P.P.S. WARNING: (1) The series is very addictive. (2) Hot sex scenes included. (3) ASH. IS. MINE!!!!!
Labels: bitches book club, book selection of the month

Sorry Harlot, Ash is here now because I needed a bad old man slayed. We can't agree on how to finished this annoying, old, pervert and miserable bastard. I am voting for evicerating him slowly! Ash might just suck him dry.
No, we're not getting naked so just draw back those claws now. I said we're not getting naked! After all, we can do it perfectly well with clothes on!
10/04/2006 12:10:00 PM
I don't like her writing, which I think is corny, cheesy and just plain bland [like Feehan and Moning] or her series but I LOVE Simi and I think Ash is cool. In fact, theirs are the only books I am waiting for so I an read them. Oh and is it possible to have a line of tongue rings?!?! I've seen one or two but a line?!?! I've had mine forever and according to the exes it does indeed heighten the pleasure....but a whole line?!?!? LOL.
Simi and Ash rock! LOL.
10/04/2006 12:29:00 PM
OMG, that's a lot of books! LOL Though I have like three of these books in here somewhere since my friends always recommend them. Anyway, I should start immediately then. LOL
10/04/2006 12:30:00 PM
What quote is that book from? I've read all but the two that come before Dark Side of the Moon.
10/04/2006 12:35:00 PM
LMAO! I meant which book is that quote from. LOL
10/04/2006 12:36:00 PM
Hey Ames!
That quote was given by SK in her old BB i think. It's an excerpt from Ash's upcoming book. Which, i have to say, is TAKING FOREVER TO GET RELEASED!!!
I say skip FANTASY LOVER. LOL You won't miss anything, the dark-hunters are not even mentioned there. :/ But of course if you want to read, please go ahead. :P
I LOVE SK! Yes, some of the books in the series aren't exactly good, but i think SK has a very rich imagination. I LUB mythology and with her dark-hunters, it's like she created another branch of it and i find that AMAZING. Even some authors copied her ideas and made it appear like it was theirs. *snort* And yes, Ash and Simi rock!
I hope you like the series! :D
So sorry to hear you're still having problem with that bastard. :( I have Ash to protect me (i need him!) so you can have the others to punish that old perv. ((hugs))
10/04/2006 01:05:00 PM
Harlot, Shura had sex with Tatiana's he's at least an emotional cheater.
I love the story...geez, don't kill me. But didn't he slept with the sister? Or was that before or after?
I love this type of BBC, it's like buffet! I could hug you right now for bugging...err convincing me to read this series.
In every book I read, I find a luscious guy waiting for me. What more could I ask for in a series?
I like FANTASY LOVER. That guy is practicing that thingy where a guy holds all his orgasm forever. What's it called?
Anyway, I like that book, and I think everyone should read it. It's a great start to the series.
10/04/2006 01:57:00 PM
I think the DH books are great! BBs, this is perfect timing too because I have to reread for the upcoming books. I can't remember some of the books! LOL
10/04/2006 02:55:00 PM
OK, should I read Fantasy Lover or not? The BBs said not to read it, the others said I should!
Anyway I have four of these dark hunter books courtesy of my best friend and will definitely start soon. She's in love with Ash too and another DH whose name now I can't remember, but he's a shapeshifter or something. LOL
10/04/2006 03:13:00 PM
Start with FANTASY LOVER because the people there shows up again later. It's a good start for the series, though not technically Dark Hunter, but it's related.
I think it's good. Don't listen to VT or Harlot. VT is just mad because the guy can't cum...and Harlot, well, I forgot what Harlot said.
10/04/2006 03:29:00 PM
Ok I'll read then. LOL I think I'll just read all. I like to read books in order anyway. Thanks Serendipity!
10/04/2006 04:10:00 PM
I've yet to read Sherrilyn Kenyon. Actually I've never heard of these dark hunters. But I really liked that excerpt!
Harlot, I'm not sure if it's just me but I think the links you gave are not working.
10/04/2006 04:25:00 PM
Oh good choice! I love these dark hunters though I have yet to read the last two books.
Lily, you should try these books. They're good. :)
10/04/2006 05:22:00 PM
Hotmama, SK's DH books are NO WAY like Feehan's books. Blah! SK is hipper and her DH books are very interesting and fun. Harlot was right, they're very addictive and you will keep on reading. Try them. If you start with Fantasy Lover and didn't like it, don't base the series from it. Read Night Pleasures afterwards. Now that one is hot and a good book to start the series. ;)
Love that excerpt!
10/04/2006 07:09:00 PM
I read one of her books - I *think* it was Dance with the Devil - and thought it was okay. Haven't picked up any more of them, though.
Re Shura: have you read the third book?
10/04/2006 07:10:00 PM
I haven't read Kenyon yet, but that quote, OMG! Heh.
Anyway, so next week the discussion will be open already? Is that right? And no questions? Just post your thoughts about the books?
10/04/2006 07:44:00 PM
Harlot, where did you get that quote? Hot! Anyway, this is good for BBC because it's time I should do some rereading - I know I really liked these DH books but for the life of me I can't remember many parts of the series!
10/04/2006 08:24:00 PM
I love the DH, But I have to pimp JR Ward for a min...Her books are amazing
10/04/2006 08:37:00 PM
Hey, guys! Long time no see. I was having blog issues :(
I've never read Sherrilyn. However, she's lovely in person. Very personable and very generous with her time spent with fans.
And just a wild guess here, but I'd bet anonymous is a cellie...LOLLOL
DC :)
10/04/2006 08:48:00 PM
My blog is saved because of Y-O-U! I'm sooo much better now, doll.
I will sure try to. My mom has 'em ALL :)
10/05/2006 01:51:00 AM
VT, I did read the book, and pulled an all-nighter. That book is the reason why I am having a hard time with Linda Howard's Cover of Night
10/05/2006 01:51:00 AM
Why are you having problems with LH's COVER OF THE NIGHT after reading DARK SIDE? :/
Hey Dakota!
Glad your blog porblems are solved. :P Hope you can join us on our BBC discussion!
I have to reread too. I can't remember many stuff! Before i can connect everything (albeit questionable LOL) of my little theories, but now i'm very confused! :S
Nope, don't have SUMMER GARDEN. Btw, thanks for the Wash video. Sexy, sexy, sexy. LOL Too funny! :D
Firefly DVDs are not available here so i'm downloading episodes. :P
10/05/2006 04:41:00 AM
Harlot, I am having problem enjoying it because I keep looking for the damn DHs to show up on the pages.
I know, I know. I need a cracker book, like when you're tasting wine you know. Reset my tastebuds.
Any suggestion? LH is too much a favorite book for me to spend it pining for Ash. Savitar and what-not. LOL.
10/05/2006 07:38:00 AM
I've never read Sherrilyn Kenyon but I liked that excerpt, very sexy. Ok I'll try to get some of the books so I can join in too.
10/05/2006 11:21:00 AM
Oh goody, I love Kenyon's DH books!!! Can't wait for the discussion. Good choice BBs!
10/05/2006 04:42:00 PM
Wow, these books look interesting.
Has anyone here read Anne Bishop's 'The Black Jewels' trilogy? Mmm, Daemon Sadi, I would lust after you if I didn't know that was a lethal thing to do . . .
'The Black Jewels Trilogy' is a reaction to all those 'feminists' who think that if women ruled the earth, then we would live in a utopia of peace. Bishop shows us that the world would simply be another kind of horrible, because whereas men are bastards, women are bitches.
(Warning: graphic violence right from chapter one.)
10/06/2006 09:36:00 AM
Catherine, that Anne Bishops trilogy sounds good. Who is this Daemon Sadi? I'm intrigued. LOL. By the way, thanks for the recommendation.
10/06/2006 08:50:00 PM
I only have one book from this series (Sins of the night) I have not started it yet though.
10/07/2006 06:10:00 PM
GWB, Sebastian is a drakos (dragon), which is a were-hunter. There are different kinds of were-hunters: dragons, wolves, panters, jaguars, leopards, lions, hawks, eagles, tigers...
Kattalakis is a family name that means a direct descendant of King Lycaon's sons. (King Lycaon, ancient Greek king who made the were-hunters.) This name belongs to the dragons and wolves (most powerful weres). Here are some of their family members: Sebastian (Dragonswan), Vane (Night Play), Fang and Fury.
10/09/2006 07:03:00 PM
I just read Fantasy Lover and Beginnings today. If Fantasy Lover is the worst book in the series then the rest are going to be totally amazing!
11/07/2006 06:41:00 AM
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