Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Suzanne, Promises Linger and Caine's Reckoning winners!

So sorry this was delayed. I’d like to elaborate as to how it all happened where a penis the size of a tree trunk played some part, but that would take a lotta my time. Just believe me when I say it’s all very confusing and it’s all Trollop’s fault—blame her!

Anywho, without further ado, let’s give it up for our lucky winners:

Winner of Michael Betcherman’s Suzanne: Gabrielle (WOOHOO!)
Winner of Sarah McCarty’s Promises Linger: Carrie (HURRAH!)
Winner of Sarah McCarty’s Caine’s Reckoning: Karamia (YAYAYAYAY!)

For the luckless non-winners, don’t fret, my luvlees. :P Michael offered you heathens some discount on his stories. Discount for Daughters of Freya, discount for Suzanne.

As for you, my three winning chickies, please email me the addy where you want your book send with “Harlot is BESTEST over Trollop the Tree-Hugger” on the subject line. You might want to include some photos of nekkid, gorgeous Italian men with your contact info. *g* No duck cock, please!

Thanks again to everyone for participating. Till our next raffle... *besos*


8 comment(s):

Blogger Carrie said...

Oh oh oh I am so excited!! I'm the type of person that doesn't even win a Bingo game, so this really rocks. I'll do the email thing now. :D


11/14/2007 12:34:00 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay!!! I never win a thing, so I am so excited. Thanks BB and Ms. McCarty.

11/14/2007 02:48:00 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dang, I'm usually pretty lucky with these, LOL.

Congrats to lucky chickies

Which book/books should I start with for Sarah McCarty?

11/14/2007 08:53:00 PM  

Blogger Harlot said...

Hotmama, Trollop said Sarah McCarty's PROMISES books are really good. I don't usually believe her, ya know :/ but i can't deny the fact that those books won at least *TWENTY* awards. ;)

11/15/2007 04:15:00 AM  

Blogger Harlot said...

Carrie, Karamia, Gabrielle,

I already emailed Sarah and Michael. Let me know if there's a problem and when you get your book already. :)

Thanks and congrats!

P.S. Karamia and Carrie, where's my gorgeous and naked Italian men? :/

11/15/2007 07:31:00 AM  

Blogger Carrie said...

Harlot - I was so excited about the book I forgot about the Italian men! For shame... I'm sitting in class but I will get on that this afternoon. :P


11/15/2007 10:36:00 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seriously? You expect naked Italian men from me? I had to ask you guys what the hell you do with an ebook, and you want me to find naked pictures of Italian men and figure out how to send them in an email? Tee Hee, I am so flattered that you think me so computer savy. I could send you pictures of my tall handsome German hubby, I might even talk him into getting naked for the camera, but, actually he'd never go for it if he knew I was sending them.
So sorry, do I still get the book? Pretty please? I swear if I had a sexy naked Italian I'd share him, and it's the thought that counts.

11/15/2007 07:52:00 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey all!
*Waving* I'm back from the island which means I have CONSISTENT EMAIL again. WOOT!

Winners books go out in the mail tomorrow. I mail everything priority so they should arrive by Friday.

Thanks so much for spending time with me. I had a blast!

11/18/2007 05:37:00 PM