Thursday, February 23, 2006

Click here

This was posted in FABB, and I thought The Book Bitches could put in their grain of sand as well. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Peggy!

Please tell ten friends today; and tell them to tell ten more. The Breast Cancer Site is having trouble getting enough people to click on their site daily* to meet their quota for donating at least one free mammogram each day to an underprivileged woman. It takes only a few seconds to go to their site and click on “donating a mammogram” (the rectangular pink button in the middle). There’s no financial obligation; it doesn’t cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate mammograms in exchange for advertising. Click here to access the site.

Thank you for caring!

*We’ll be adding this link to sidebar, so you’ll remember to click every day. Remember, with this, we are helping save lives!


2 comment(s):

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this. We need to help eachother and this is a great and easy way to do it.
I'm going to pass this along to others.

2/23/2006 05:29:00 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awwww, thanks VT.


2/24/2006 12:57:00 AM