Friday, November 14, 2008

Rereading Harry Potter

I have started my god-knows-what-number reread of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series; already on book two. The BF is listening to Jim Dale read Sorcerer’s Stone (we actually started together but he listens when he has “free time” and I, on the other hand, get so absorbed by these books I read them even at work and red lights).

This is the BF’s first time reading HP (I almost had to donate a kidney to get him to agree!) and so far, I think he likes HPSS which makes me a very very happy GF. Who knows, he might even get five—or even six *gasp* times a month sex now instead of four LOL.

As for me, this reread has been a totally different experience than previous ones. I think understanding how it all ends in crappy-ass book seven is letting me enjoy the books all that much more. Which, really, who would have thought it possible seeing as I am a total Potter nut?

I’ll let you know how it all goes and what new things I discover in this reread. Anyone want to join me?

Side note: We might never hear back from Harlot because I believe she’s going to jail soon. Those striped uniforms will look very good with her perm LMAO. Babe, I hear they dig Asian chicks in the slammer LOL!

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2 comment(s):

Blogger mallymoodle said...

Omg, you're back!

I'm in for re-reading HP!

Now I'm going to re-read the other entries.

11/16/2008 08:35:00 AM  

Blogger ValVega said...

Hey mally! Wassup?

I'm halfway through Chamber of Secrets already.

So far, this is a totally different reread for me. It's almost as if I were reading the books for the first time. I can't help but be in awe of how SMART JKR is. Amazing really.

11/16/2008 11:56:00 AM