Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Something like Passion

We got a lovely email from Jen, one of our darling readers. She wants to know if we could recommend a book similar to Passion by Lisa Valdez.

I’m not a big erotica reader (that meaning I’ve read all of one and it was Passion LOL) so I thought I’d turn over the request to you, guys. How about if we give her a hand? *g*

Hey ladies.

Thanks for the refreshing site. I so enjoy it. Sadly, I’m so out of touch with all things computer, blog, etc. that I don’t understand a lot of what I read. Pathetic, I know. But, I keep coming back, cuz you're both so funny and I’ve gotten good ideas from you. By the way, I LOVED the men in kilts link you once had, but can’t figure out how to find it again. That was fantastic.

Another good discovery from your site... Lisa Valdez. Can’t remember if y’all liked her writing, or not. But, I was so tickled with Passion. Lisa didn’t worry about my “delicate sensibilities” when choosing her words (cunt, cock, etc) or coming up with hot, slick and DETAILED love scenes—well, porn. But, perhaps more importantly, she had enough of a good story (intriguing characters, dialogue, romance) to keep me interested. In the past, I’ve only found good sex... or good story. Not both.

Problem is, I can’t find any more books by Lisa. Can either of you recommend another historical romance author I might enjoy? I figure you’d know best!


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18 comment(s):

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10/23/2007 05:24:00 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Lady's Pleasure by Renee Bernard.

It's not Passion, but what is?

It's still very steamy and erotic and the story is very well drawn out.

10/23/2007 09:09:00 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elizabeth Hoyt has a book that could be somewhat comparable. The Raven Prince. I think the sequel is coming out at some point this fall. Will look for the release date and let you know.

10/23/2007 09:11:00 PM  

Blogger Harlot said...

Hey Jen, sorry i just saw your email. And no, i'm not a Scot--I wish. ;P

I'm not that familiar with erotica or romantica (i'm confused with all these terms really) because i've only read a few.

Right now can only think of Shannon McKenna. Recently read two books of hers (those McCloud series) and i think she has the kind of stories you might like. Honestly didn't like the heroes much. Just me i suppose because they are "too alpha". The sex are verra VERRA hot though. ;)

Ok, be back later will think of more LOL.

10/24/2007 12:43:00 AM  

Blogger ... said...

Elizabeth Hoyt's The Leopard Prince is out already. I liked it, but not as much as The Raven Prince. I'm not sure when The Serpent Prince comes out -- sometime this year, I think.

I don't read erotica and haven't read Passion, but here are some authors I like:

Judy Cuevas/Judith Ivory -- she publishes under the later name now, though "Bliss" and "Dance" are still under her previous name, if you can find them as they are out of print, unfortunately.

Loretta Chase - pretty much loved all her books, except for the latest, which was okay, but not up to par with her usual writing style, I thought.

Julia Quinn - I like her books a lot, but her last three have been sort of just okay. I'm not sure what happened.

Eloisa James - I think she writes well and is wroth reading, but for me, there is always something in her stories that for some reason prevents the entire thing from being really, really good.

Laura Kinsale is another whose writing I quite like. Her books are sometimes a little difficult to get through, though.

And my most recent find is Shana Abe, whose dragon series is awesome.

10/24/2007 12:55:00 AM  

Blogger Harlot said...

Ohhh i *love* Judith Ivory (DO NOT LISTEN TO TROLLOP WHO'S A SHAMELESS HERO SNOB). Have to agree with Dance. I second the Bliss recommendation, loved that book (don't have Dance unfortunately). Also, Beast, Sleeping Beauty, Until My Heart. I love most of her books really. :D

Julia Quinn and Eloisa James are always an auto buy but i don't think they particularly write hot romances. What about Lisa Kleypas and Liz Carlyle? Hot and the stories are good to boot.

10/24/2007 01:07:00 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hot reads: Elizabeth Hoyt's The Raven Prince. Also The Wicked One by Elizabeth Keys.

Any news re Lisa Valdez or her next book Patience?

10/24/2007 02:31:00 AM  

Blogger Jordis Juice said...

You got to read Emma Holly. Her books are very steamy. She has a bunch of historical romances and paranormals that are quite good. Start with Beyond Seduction and Beyond Innocence :)

10/24/2007 08:23:00 AM  

Blogger Jordis Juice said...

Ditto on the Laura Kinsale rec - especially Shadowheart.

Liz Carlyle's The Devil You Know is very hot. I simply love the way she writes.

10/24/2007 08:28:00 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try Sarah McCarthy.

She. Is. Fantastic.

10/24/2007 11:25:00 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I second Sarah McCarthy. Hot books.

Lisa Marie Rice has a series that I like but I cannot remember the name. There were three cops and three bffs.

10/24/2007 11:56:00 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another for SM.

I read somewhere (maybe here?) that Patience wont be released until 2008 or later. It seems Valdez is depressed over comments made about Passion.

Could someone correct me on this please?

10/24/2007 01:59:00 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tried to email Lisa Valdez yesterday but I got a mailer domain error. It said her email box was full. I still can't believe what she went through.

10/24/2007 03:44:00 PM  

Blogger ValVega said...

What did she go through? I have no idea what happened to her.

She agreed to do an interview for us and then we never heard from her again. I think Harlot emailed her not so long ago, when she wakes up she could confirm that.

Did something happen to her?

10/24/2007 03:56:00 PM  

Blogger Jolie said...

Am I the only one who doesn't think Passion is THAT good??? Why do I keep hearing how "unique" the plot is and how good the dialogue are?

Blah. It's just all the sex and Mark's big cock, pe-riod.

10/25/2007 01:07:00 AM  

Blogger Harlot said...

Yep. I emailed her a while back and she said she is half finished with the interview. She said she loved the questions LOL. Then she emailed again and said she's kinda swamped with all the things that's been happening (related to her book Patience).

From our email exchanges, i thought Ms. Valdez is very nice really. I don't know what's happening with her right now but i'm guessing she doesn't want to talk; perhaps it's a legal thing, or perhaps she just wants to concentrate on her books. Whatever it is, i hope she's fine and hopefully, for her fans, her next book will be released soon.

We'll let you guys know if we hear anything from her.

10/25/2007 01:37:00 AM  

Blogger ValVega said...

I am starting my first SM book today!!! hurray. I think this will be fun. There's some sort of warning in the beginning on how hot the sex scenes are and how many of them there are! Gleeeeeeeee LOL

10/25/2007 04:20:00 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I LOVE Erin McCarthy. And I read an erotic book called Hot In Here, was good too.

I have some sm and bondage books in my shop but have never gotten around to reading one. Must try one to see how I like it.

10/27/2007 01:16:00 PM