I just saw some of the comments from my previous post. The fact that some of you still visit, wow, I feel more awed than I can ever express... My darlings, you are lovely. Oh how you warm my cruel heart. *sniffles*
I only wanted to pimp Paullina’s new book,
A Song in the Daylight. You all know
how much I adore her. Did I tell you she named a character after me? She’s the protagonist’s Nutella-loving best friend. ;) Despite the fact I’m a shameless spoiled cow whose talent only extends to shopping and shoes, Paullina likes me. My only claim to fame is being
Raoul’s Lover Extraordinaire. Who would have thought my name (and a little part of me) would be all over the pages of a book written by a beloved international bestselling author? I certainly didn’t expect it. It’s breathtaking and humbling at the same time.
Back to the reason I’m here. (No, not to come back, sorry. :S) After reading those comments, I felt like the dimmest light in the tanning bed. How could I think I don’t owe our readers some kind of update? For four years you’d been our devoted friends, confidants, cheerleaders. Since I know you can’t rely on that Trollop, I should have done it myself a long time ago.
Alright. Basically, seeing as our lives aren’t romance novels (oh I weep!), Trollop is still horrible and I’m still certifiable. Last November she and I were supposed to meet in New York City for Halloween. I went and traveled miles and miles, crossed freaking mountains and oceans, and guess what—or maybe you won’t—her evilness is limitless after all—*SHE* *STOOD* *ME* *UP* GRRRRRR. What a fucking bitch.
She’s very busy. Hmph. At the time she had to prepare a dissertation to take to Puerto Rico and then there’s that project whatsis she had to present in El Salvador last December. This February she’ll be in NYC. (Let’s all hope there’d be a huge winter storm as the thought of her freezing to death fills me with an indescribable joy.) After that I think Madrid in May. I reluctantly report that she’s verra verra happy, with her pervy BF, a job she loves, happy with life in general really. Of course we both know for her despicable act I will endeavor to torture and make her suffer for as long as I breathe.
As for me, travel travel travel. Last year apparently I had too much time I toured the U.S. from west to east coast. This June I’ll be in Italy. Yep, you read that right. I-TA-LY, Land of Raooooooouls. (I’m grinning like an idiot here; can you blame me? Just think of those sinfully finger-lickin’ Nutella-licious Italian men surrounding you ay dios mio.)
You know I feel like a deprived sexually ambiguous maniac on her first trip to Sex Toys La-La-Land. Like, WOOHOOO FINALLY FINALLY FI-NAL-LY! Hey, only saying I’m excited, you perverts. For years I’ve been obsessed talking about it nonstop making your ears bleed and now I’m finally going. I already paid my tuition and accommodations so no one can stop me from going to live in Florence attending a school there. Sure, I must be the most horrible student in the history of the whole wide world but we’re talking of Italy here! I’ll try my damnedest and study
those gorgeous Italian men’s anatomy passionately. ;p
Please don’t be like my Italian friend who said, and I quote, “I have already warned all my free friends, a horny nympomaniac Filipina is about to come to Italy. They are all hiding with chattering teeth.” He’s a bastard. I’m not going for the men! Really! Sheesh. Fine, not ONLY for them. I’m going to visit those beautiful cities. Like I said, travel. Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, Athens, Budapest, Prague, Berlin, Vienna, Stockholm... Europe is my oyster. *sigh*
How about you? How have you been? Oh and while you’re at it, here are some photos from last year, including pages from
ASITD and the new
TBH trade paperback Paullina signed and graciously sent me. Ciao.